Although we've been to Costa Rica on two separate occasions, all of the images featured in this album were taken during our
last visit in April/May 2019. The photography opportunities were very varied so I've made sure that I've included a few pictures
of frogs and snakes ad well as the usual animal and bird photos. Given that this is a specific trip related set of images I've only
shown the general location of where the photo was taken within the comments field.
The following thumbnails expand when clicked. You can then scroll through the images in either the 'standard view', or an alternative 'compact view' (via the info button) if you wish to see where the photo was taken and read about the encounter and/or the species.
Whilst my albums are optimised for viewing on a desktop monitor or larger laptop, there is an optional 'full screen' mode for tablets or notebooks. But, please note that if you do use this mode on a smaller device, the top and/or bottom of some photos may
be clipped, and if you leave your curser over the image the navigation overlay backgrounds may be visible.